My name is Liz Stockton, and I am passionate about design, illustration, fine art, and how the three interact with the world and each other. There is nothing I value more than being able to bring a felling or idea to life on the page or solve a visual problem.

I’ve been drawing since I was very young; I remember not wanting anything to do with, well, any kind of art until I was 12 and something just sort of flipped. I think I was inspired by a show I liked and wanted to emulate. It only took a few years for me to come to the conclusion that somehow, someway, I wanted to make this my career. I haven’t stopped drawing since.

For the longest time, I mostly focused on hand drawn sketches, slowly moving into digital raster art. It wasn’t until I just started college and was introduced to vector art that a whole new world was opened up, not just in illustration, but in graphic design which often needed crisp borders and the ability to repeat a design perfectly, over and over, at any size. I was hooked, and although I’ve gone back to my roots and branched into watercolor, I still love vector work and use it regularly.

For the longest time, I mostly focused on hand drawn sketches, slowly moving into digital raster art. It wasn’t until I just started college and was introduced to vector art that a whole new world was opened up, not just in illustration, but in graphic design which often needed crisp borders and the ability to repeat a design perfectly, over and over, at any size. I was hooked, and although I’ve gone back to my roots and branched into watercolor, I still love vector work and use it regularly.

People often ask what I want to do as a career? This may be an odd thing to say, but even now I’m not 100% sure. I think, at the end of it, I just want to work under the label Artist and be done with it. Get back to creating. If I’m not making images come to life, what am I even doing?

I’ll regularly be updating this website, but if you have any questions for me, my inbox is always open. (just click Contact for where to find me)
